Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life rocks!

This week was bunches of fun, much like the whole college experience in general has been. Monday was our first actually serious family home evening, not just playing around or anything like that. We had a lesson and talked about spiritual things and it was a nice change of pace. Granted once the lesson was over and we had closing prayer, there was a fierce ping pong tournament to be had, but that was just a little extra on the side of a very good night. Tuesday was one of my homework days this week, just chugged away at it for hours and hours and hours. Trying to finish everything that I needed to finish because no matter how much I get completed, the teachers stack up that much and more by the end of the next school day anyway. But Im never too terribly far behind, I keep on top of everything and get it all done to the best of my ability. Wednesday night was opera night! First opera I have ever been to and almost completely converted me to the whole opera spectacle thing. My only issue with it was is that they repeated everything 3 or 4 times each, would have been much shorter and more exciting if they only sang everything once. It was call Don Giavonni and it teaches the prinicple that no one will get away with their sins, we have to repent and try our hardest to remain clean from the evils of the world or the devil will come and claim us in the end and drag us down to Hell. Which is exactly what happened in the play. Really kind of a cool effect to watch, let me tell you. Oh, most of my roommates and I went as a huge group date and that made it even better. We dressed up all fancy and I even borrowed Samuel's cane and top hat for a few poses with the camera. My date's name was Amanda, she and I are just really good friends and it was a blast to go with her. She is one of those people who is just as random and spontaneous as me and so that works out perfectly. After the opera, we came back to the apartment and ate the berry ice cream and ginger snap cookies I had made. They all turned out really good, so thanks Mom and Uncle Joe for sending recipes up. Even if I do modify them a lot to fit whatever ingredients we have and what I think will taste better. So far everything I have made turned out awesome, except for one banana bread loaf that just kind of collapsed in on itself. Thursday is my other major homework day when I go over to Uncle Karsten's and Aunt Julie's and eat lunch, do laundry, and do homework. But it helps to be away from the campus to concentrate sometimes and I get lots of work done. Thursday night I hung out with some friends and played some games and chatted. Friday I cleaned, because I am the only one that ever does and everything was just filthy. I made the kitchen spotless (another thanks to Mom for making me do that for years and years and years goes here) and then went to work. After that I watched Independence Day with Aaron and Joe. I forgot how funny that movies was and it was good energizer to go play games for the rest of the evening. I introduced some more people to Quelf and got them hooked on it to, it is just the most fun, random game I know of. Perfect for completley letting loose and relaxing and laughing and having a good time. Saturday I got to attend my first BYU football game, it was awesome!!! It was probably the best game so far of the season and our seats were right on the endzone 3 rows back. It wasn't even cold or anything, just a perfect day, perfect game. This picture was taken by Jared so he could show me how cool he thought my glasses were. You can see the entire stadium reflected in them which I admit is really pretty cool. I also had to buy a hat to stop from sunburning, so Im still one of the whitest people you will ever know. After that I had to dash off to work and then came home to an empty house. But it was soon invaded by a pretty decen group of people and we set to work making some delicious breakfast burritos for dinner. Apparently Im the only one who has ever thought of putting peppers in my burrito though because everyone thought that was strange at first and then thought it was an amazing idea as soon as they tried some. After that we played Carcossone which is a crazy strategy game kind of like Settlers of Catan. Im not exactly the best at those but by sheer dumb luck of placing the pieces in the right places I managed to get 2nd. After that we just sang and danced and messed around till the girls had to go home. This upcoming week is going to be stuff full of trying to fit in Halloween ward things and then homework and tests and life in general. We will have to see how it goes...

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