Sunday, February 26, 2012

Too many forks in the road available, it would be much easier with just one

I finally get to write again. Yay! Writing is so sporatic this time around because I never seem to have the time. Weekends always fill up and before you know Sunday is over and I haven't written yet. It is kind of a problem. Maybe it will get better, maybe not.

This past week was quite busy, especially for only being four regular school days. I took four midterms, wrote a paper, did many homework assignments, and still managed to find time to play around and enjoy life. It was great. I think I am back to almost being the way I was at the beginning of high school - I study a ton now. A lot more hours than I ever did freshman year or senior year of high school. I enjoy it and it keeps me going. But there has to be a balance somewhere. Haven't found it yet. I swing from social to student with no buffer or break. Not the easiest switch for me. I have finally started to volunteer at a Rehabilitation Center and that has helped so far. Next semester I definitely will be working as well and volunteering and having a social life and taking many, many classes. I just do much better with life being busy. I am able to study better, focus better, sleep better, eat better, enjoy life better, you name it better. I will have to be able to correctly schedule everything out in order to have that all work out.

This past week we had 80s day on Friday. It was a blast. I got a lot of cool questions and a lot of interesting stares. A lot of people even told me that they would like to join in on the fun. I guess it could be hesistantly be termed a success pending reviews of the next few Fridays. Lora had some good games to play from the New Games book, some were kind of dorky or very special, but they were all fun. Kickback to EFY days and that social recreation leadership class (or party planning class). Also, went to a game night, watched some Psych in preparation for Psych Day this upcoming Wednesday and such.

Well, doing well on tests is definitely a blessing. Good grades are required for all the different programs or career ideas that I have been looking at. The problem is that instead of narrowing my choices, it seems to only make them wider and wider. I was able to do really, really well on a biology midterm this week. I thought everyone else did very well too, but when I got to class I learned that was not the case. Daniel Farnsworth was kind of disappointed because he had did the same as he did on the first test and he was not happy with the results. He dreams of being a pediatrician and has dedicated his whole life to working towards that occupation. I, on the other hand, don't really care one way or the other. I feel like God gave me these smarts as a talent and I am responsible to use and fully develop them for the greater good. I thought the test was relatively easy and can understand the material much better than I was giving myself credit for about a month ago. I am able to make sense of it and explain it in simpler terms. Shouldn't I use that to become a doctor or something in the scientific fields? But then the same goes for liberal arts classes, I can do very well with little effort or stress. I work hard, true, but I can understand and comprehend it at a different level than a lot of other people seem to be able to. I just don't know what to do. I guess the obvious solution is that I need to use the brain that God gave me in getting as much education as I can so that in the end I can serve as many people as I can. But there are too many pathways to to take that would fill such a desire. Lawyer, doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, and the list could go on and on. I guess I could even now add engineer to the list because all my friends seem to enjoy it and love it so much that it has opened my mind up to it. On second thought, not really. I know I don't really want to do business. Not engineering. Not English. Not a fine art like music or graphic design or whatever. Not math. Not economics. That crosses many things off of my list, but doesn't seem to narrow it nearly as much as I would wish. I will keep praying about it and hoping to stumble across the path that I am mean to take soon. In the meantime, I'll keep doing the best I can with what I have been given. You never know what might happen.

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