Sunday, September 2, 2012

Anything overly epic this week? Not really. But life is always fun nonetheless. This week had a lot of great activities for our ward. On Monday for FHE, we learning how to do the cha cha. I remembered all the steps from my class freshman year, so I was the one sought after to dance with so that I could teach others. It was a blast, and it makes it a ton more fun when you are not doing it for a grade. I definitely do not recommend dancing to Dynamite to Taio Cruz though, the beat is to hard to get for cha cha. Michael Jackson songs were much easier. Also, we had a Bishop's Bash this week on Friday down at a barn in Mapleton. It was a blast. We played blind kickball. Everyone was partnered up with someone of the opposite gender. Then one of the people in the team had to be blindfolded. The other "seeing" person than had to guide them through the bases, picking up the ball, and tagging others to get them out. It was a riot. Sadly, someone ran into my teammate Audrey and almost gave her a minor concussion. I am hoping to make brownies or cookies today for her to make up for it. They then fed us dinner of barbecue hamburgers, sides, and drinks. They had a cotton candy machine and an ice cream machine for dessert. We had a marshmallow gun war after that and it was a blast. I wasn't overly good at it (the guns that they gave us were cut up pool tubes, not PVC pipe, makes it much more of a challenge) but it was a blast anyway. The night finished up with watching Kung Fu Panda. I made some new friends - Ashley, Courtney, Sarina, and Christina. They were hilarious and we joked the whole time about how much kung fu you had to know in order to live in or visit their apartment. I am going to take the time to get to know them better. I need to plan a game night or something. Especially because tomorrow is not a school day so there is no rushing to finish homework for most people. Not until tomorrow night. In other news, I picked a major!!! :) Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles I know! I went to chemistry this week and just couldn't pay attention and didn't like it. But I loved my Arabic class and the other Middle Eastern classes that I was enrolled for. They are amazing! I dropped chemistry and ended up switching my major to MESA and it is going to be great! I love Arabic, Into to Islamic Humanities, Middle Eastern History to 1800, Intro to Middle Eastern Studies, and Doctrine and Covenants(the first half). My Doctrine and Covenants teacher is the best religion teacher that I have ever had. He is a crackup and super spiritual. He also talks about a million miles an hour so keeping up with him is a challenge. But a fun one. Everything he says is worth writing down and remembering. He has such great points and it rocks. Arabic is taught by Ustaaz Doug. He is awesome too. The class is difficult because he speaks Arabic as much as possible and expects all of us to do the same. As little or no English as possible. Learning by immersion, which is a sink or swim philosophy. Right now, we are all terrific drowners. I wonder how long it will take for some of us to become swimmers. Intro to Middle Eastern studies will be fun. Lots of discussion and great books to read for it. The teacher is not quite the best though. She means well but she is softspoken and doesn't allow us to fully discuss the readings. She only wants to discuss what she has decided is worthy of discussion. Narrow minded. The history teacher isn't the greatest either. He stutters over words and takes most of the class off on random tangents. The books for his class look fascinating though. Lots of writing expected for both classes, so I need to start working on that. The Islamic Humanities professor is brilliant. He loves class discussion and conducts it in an open manner that is inviting and engaging. Lots of fun readings for that class as well and lots of fun assignments. I think the best professors realize that if they have fun teaching the class, we have fun taking the class. Regardless of the workload. If they are excited, we get excited. I just don't understand why some people chose to do teaching when their heart is not in it. And they aren't excited and it seems like we are the bane of their existence. Maybe they like their research? I guess. I am going to be going to the temple every Friday after Arabic gets out. There is no wait for it. There is such a great spirit in the temple and it helps me to focus throughout the rest of the week. I do better at reading, writing, testing, speaking, socializing, you name it on the weeks that I go to the temple. I am working out every morning (or almost every morning this week). I am going to wake up at 5:50 this week so I can get down there at 6 and go till 7. I am doing great at using the weight machines, the elliptical, and the bike machine. I am hoping to convince Lora and Nathan to do a one hour swim workout once a week as well. That way my exercise will be well rounded and fulfilling. And everything will get worked, stretched, and strengthened. I am reading the scriptures every morning after doing that and I am liking the schedule that I have. I need to find another job or lots of volunteer hours to keep me busy and active. I am not allowed to be a couch potato. I think that is all that really happened this week. Oh, Utah drivers are crazy as always. Walking to and from school everyday is putting my life at risk. I almost get hit by careless and reckless drivers every time. They never watch around them. Especially the ones turning left, they just barrel on down regardless of what is in the cross walk and then they get mad at the person who is in their way. I saw Avengers this week again as well with Will, Samuel, and Aaron. Aaron is dating someone new and is extremely happy and excited. Samuel and Will are good old Samuel and Will. Always fun to be around to talk through movies with. Well, that is all for this week! :)

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