Sunday, September 28, 2008

Balancing work and fun and school is quite a juggling match. Get too much of one and every other part of your life is out of whack but if you don't get enough, same problem. I think I am learning better how to manage my time, at least it feels like it. This week I managed to complete all my homework in the early afternoon or later at night, but always managing to get it turned in on time. I wrote three papers (two of them were the same, just differently formatted for different classes). I studied a lot of hours for some major tests next week and managed to do my econ homework (never an easy task considering my teacher never really seems to teach us enough to understand how to do the math). My work schedule is going to get easier soon and I will only be working three days a week instead of four, which shouldn't be too bad. As for the fun this week....there was tons of it. Considering I had to stuff in family home evening, watching a movie for humanities, Joe's mission call,and other things. For family home evening, we made play-doh. Yes, we are extremely mature college kids. We had to use it to sculpt the other people around us in order to get them to know them better, making something that was unique to them. Needless to say....mine was an Xterra that had been flipped over. I guess you can't get more unique than that. Tuesday night was a homework night, but people still came over (people always come over) and we talked and had popsicles and got in some stress reliever stuff. Thursday night I broke in my projector watching The Kite Runner for humanities ( how cool of class is that, you have to watch amazing movies and he wanted them on a big screen)! I also go to go visit Karsten, Julie, Brynn, and Brooke and get some good food, do laundry, and take a huge dent into my ever growing mountain of homework. Friday, I made pumpkin spice cake. I didn't even stick to the recipe, I experimented. Kind of a scary thought, I know. But it turned out amazing. So somehow I figured out how to cook between getting up here and not having a clue at home. I think it was because I always did watch you cook mom and I kind of absorbed it subconsciously. Thanks for that. Friday night we went on my first completely random adventure and saw Kung Fu Panda at the dollar theater. Best movie of my life. I think the panda couldn't have been more like me even if he had my reddish brownish hair. After that we ran to a 24 hour IHOP (an amazing invention) and played around at a park for hours and hours until it was almost Saturday morning. Last night, Joe got his mission call to Ecuador. It made me realize that all my friends are actually going to start leaving soon for two years and come back complteley different people. David leaves in about a week and a half to get up here. He will soon be out there preaching the gospel. I know that they are all ready to do it, but at the same time it kind of makes me both excited and scared to think that mine is approaching ever closer. It seems to be the constant question up here as to where are you going on your mission, or when are you turning in your papers, etc. I am one of the youngest by far, so my answers are always the farthest away of anyone. But at the same time it feels like there is not enough time to be prepared. Not enough time to get to know the scriptures well enough, to develop all the people skills I will need, to get the rock solid testimony I really need. Im praying I will be ready and my faith is that the Lord will help me to get there. Well, I think that is enough rambling for one week so I will write more a week from now after the marvelous start of General Conference.


Kimber said...

Ryan- it is fun to hear all of your college life going ons... It is so fun to see your personality coming through in your posts. Keep up trying to balance everything and good luck with your new job.

Kindra Hughes said...

Ryan, We enjoy reading your blog. I actually shouted it across the house tonight so everyone could hear at once. Play-doh, eh(canadian) Good to know you are keeping some fun kid-like behaviors. Not sleeping all night, that will come in handy when you are married with sick children, do not recommend as a regular habit. Tell Joe congratulations on his mission call. We sent a box of surprises, not necessarily good ones, up with Bishop Woods who is going to conference. Bishop should call later in week to drop off. Good luck with your orchestra concert this week, wish we could be there to see it. Mom says to buy a music stand, cello stop, work shirt and take your food handlers class. Nathan has orcherstra concert on Wednesday night and has been swimming quite a bit, he was able to compete in a 500 for team. Ashley has softball games on Tuesday and Friday. Lora has played on undefeated ward softball team, ask her about Tie-Dye shirts and colorful face paint at games. Mom played women's softball and did very well. Adam is getting close to completing Wolf advancement in cub scouts. Tyler has been striving to keep a green light at kindergarten, he has been very talkative at class, which is much different compared to siblings who were shy and quiet at that age. Emma loves going Pre-school. I better get back to writing the ward newsletter article due tonight. We miss you. We love you DAD

Emily said...

GAH! Monsieur Hughes! Who knew YOU had a blog, my dear fellow? Well now I'm watching you from the bushes. Always watching...