Sunday, September 21, 2008

This week life got busy. Never a dull moment is how life is going to play out from now on. I managed to secure a job from the MTC. I work in the dishroom unloading, loading, scrubbing, getting trays off the carosel, etc. Its not a bad job at all and pays much better than almost anything else I could get. I work there Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdays from 4:30 to 7:30 PM. I also have to work everything third Sunday which is really a bummer, but I guess the missonaries still have to eat on Sunday too. My first test also occurred this week and that had some interesting results. The first half of the test was over a chapter the professor had never told us to read or look at all. And we had never covered it in class either. So I had to guess on the first half and got a 100% on the second half which meant that I got a 78% on my very first ever college test. It was slightly depressing but it shouldn't be too hard to recover from as long as he doesn't pull the same stunt on every other test this semester. Yesterday Christine and I had a cooking date where we made strawberry ice cream, blueberry muffins, and pumpkin bread and muffins. It was amazing and all the food turned out great. Most of it is already all devoured by my roommates and a few other people who randomly dropped by yesterday. This upcoming week is going to be very busy with a bunch of papers to write, homework to complete, work to do, classes to go to, and tests to take. But I think I can manage.

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