Sunday, October 19, 2008

Every week just seems to keep getting busier and busier. More stuff to cram in, less sleep to have, things both good and bad just taking away time. So much stuff to do and having to choose what is the best decision for that moment. Anyway, this week my body finally decided it had enough being abused from lack of sleep and healthy food and decided on Monday night that it was time to crash and burn. I made it through the day just fine but as soon as I got home, I started a fever, massive headache, the whole nine yards. So I gave up on homework and fun and just went to bed and slept and rejuvinated. And it worked. Lesson learned was that my body does still need enough sleep to live off of or I am going to start being very sick and having all sorts or problems. Im making it my goal to be in bed around one-ish at the latest. That gives me enough time to have a couple hours of fun and then just crank through 5 or 6 hours of homework. Besides that the beginning of this week was just not the highlight of my life. I had 3 major tests to study for and try to finish to the best of my ability. Because my brain was so divided between humanities, dance, and economics - the tests did not go as well as I had hoped. Just to much information to study for all three. I ended up with an 87.5% on the architecture test in humanities, 89% on the foxtrot test in dance, and 78% on the midterm test for economics. Kind of disappointing after I spent the hours and hours studying or practicing for each one. But what else can I do? I did my best for that time with the preparation I could get and that is about all I could ask for. Those took up all of Tuesday and Wednesday - I would go to class and then study and then eat something while studying and then just keep studying. After the final test was done on Wednesday around 5 PM, I was just so happy to be done I decided to take a break and head with Joe and Samuel down to the thrift store. We decided to try Savers this time instead of DI and found that the selection was much better, albeit more expensive for most items. I found my heart's desire in several different things and since I had just survived through the week of death through testing, I decided to reward myself by getting some posters and Halloween stuff and really old, classic novels. The posters were mostly religious like a picture of Christ and the Provo temple. I had been looking to get pictures of those for a long, long time to put up and I finally found the ones I really liked at the price I could afford. After that, we went to Burlington Coat Factory to find the rest of Joe's and Samuel's Halloween costumes. Instead of that, I found a sweet leather jacket and hot aviator glasses that match nicely with just about anything. They just exude coolness and confidence and they were on sale! I think Wednesday was the night we also started our notable quotables wall (or ceiling as I guess it turned out). I wrote up a bunch of the most funny things people have said since being up here and then finding nowhere else to put them, stuck them to the ceiling. After that fills up, which is actually quite likely to happen, I don't know what we will do. But so far they are great and funny and each one has an inside story or joke about it. Wednesday night was also something pretty terrible because we thought it was the night Joe was going to die on us. He came out about 1 or 2ish in the morning holding his stomach in the most pain I have ever seen anyone in, ever. It about scared me to death. Joe and Greg quickly gave him a blessing (both their first) and then we rushed him off to the hospital. We were at the hospital all that night waiting for news of what was going on. They couldn't supply us with anything and released him around 5 for us to go home and try to get a few hours sleep. Joe went back in at 8 on Thursday and was there until Friday afternoon when he was finally released to grateful and loving parents. It felt so weird and empty with him gone. Like our room was almost like a hollow, rotten log just waiting to collapse. That is about all I can remember on Thursday is running between classes and then checking up on Joe through word-of-mouth whenever I could. As well as repeating the story over and over and over of what happened to everyone that Joe knows (he knows a lot). Friday was finally another happy day that returned somewhat to normalcy. I finished Brisingr much to the delight of about the dozen or so people that wish to borrow it. I should charge 2 or 3 dollars for every 5 days they want to read it and I would have it made. Friday night was one of the best nights of my life just because it was so random and fun. We started out with making flour bombs, which is nylon filled with flour and then tied shut. We used them to have the most amazing fun flour war. I got completely covered (which I probably deserved) but I dished my fair share out back. Courtney got me all over my face and hair and I had to get her back - hence this picture of us with her facing me about to pommel my face in with one of the flour contraptions. After that we played random outdoor group games like dippity, dippity, dip; or ninja signs, or all those other fun, loud, obnoxious ones. When we looked like we had all just risen from the grave or something, we went to this dance in the hall next to ours where they had put up blacklights. It was a really fun dance, especially wearing a white shirt because it glowed bright. Following that, we played some Quelf. My favorite board game ever invented and one on which I blew quite a bit of money to get. But its amazing. I don't think I have laughed so hard in months. If anyone is interested, go check it out in Barnes and Noble, its the only place I have ever found that sells it. Its the greatest party group game in the history of party group games. When it was time to get all the girls kicked out of our lobby, we went and roasted marshmallows on the lights of the bell tower. Suprisingly it worked and they came out that perfect golden brown color. It made for some pretty rad s'mores. Me being extremely exhausted at this point, being around 3 in the morning, I went to bed and decided to ditch hiking the Y that most of the rest of the group went on. That just meant on Saturday morning when I woke up around 9, I had the apartment pretty much to myself to do some homework and do some baking for the first time in a few weeks. I made Uncle Joe's oreo ice cream (which is pretty much to die for) and then some spice cake for the fall season. Both turned out pretty good and the recipes both made a lot more of both then I had really been planning on. But there are enough people running through our apartment everyday that I am confident they will get finished in a shockingly short amount of time. That took up all the way until I had to go to work, which was pretty much the worst day of work ever. I love manual labor and so I love my job doing dishes for the MTC, but it just got so backed up and hectic last night that I even found it hard to smile at everyone which is what I got the employee of the month for September for. Not my abililties or speed or anything, but just for smiling for work and helping to lift the mood and attitudes of others. Who thought someone would actually recognize me for that? After work got out late, I ran home and showered and changed into my costume t-shirt and went to the Halloween dance that our stake was having. The dance was amazing, pretty much like every other dance and it was a blast to see all the crazy cool costumes. This is what everyone in the group I hang out with now was wearing.

1 comment:

Kindra Hughes said...

We are thinking 11 eleven would be better than one. Hey what was wrong with Joe?