Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time flies!

It is finally Sunday and I get to a breath and relax for the first time all week (well except for having to work today but oh well). Things are still going awesome, they just keep getting more and more crammed in. Time goes by so fast it is ridiculous, but I don't think I would really trade it for anything. Monday night we discussed general conference for FHE, each of us saying our favorite part and why we liked that the best. I went with the story of the blind date fiasco, that one just can't be beat :) After that we played around on the playground of the park we were at, which had some of the most amazing toys ever! Utah adds so much more stuff than Arizona and it makes it much, much more fun. There was a spinning thing that you could grab onto and make yourself dizzier than anything and there was a pleathora of monkey bars to hang upside down from and just about everything else in between. I finally got a haircut on Thursday and apparently for Utah people I waited much, much too long. The lady who did it was schocked and amazed that I would let my hair get to such an unruly state. So I guess I will have to visit her more often in order not to cause a scandal at BYU, the MTC, or just with the people around me haha. Thursday night I also threw an Iron Man movie night with the projector. It is such an awesome movie, one of my favorites. Interesting fact: I think I finally learned how to work all the gadgets on the projector after having it for years and years, probably because people use it a lot more up here than I did at home. One of my roommates or I is always using it for this assingment or because this friend is visiting from out of town or just for random fun. I love Fridays. I only have one class and its later in the morning so I can sleep in till around 9ish and get semi-caught up on my enormous sleep deprivation. Ok, so not really caught up at all because I am way too far behind but it feels great to be able to take one morning off at least that I still have school during. For Humanities (my Friday class), we started studying musicals. Amazing topic to actually study for a class and then take a test on that counts towards your grade. Wish it would happen more often. All we did for most of the class is watch lots and lots of different musical clips. After that, I had to go do an architecture walking tour for an assignment in that class. It was a lot of fun but extremely freezing for parts of it. But I actually know reasons why building look the way they do now. Its all for specific reasons and to get people to have certain emotions and connections. Who knew so much could matter about them? Other than the fact they give us shelter from the elements of course. I also tried out Brick Oven Pizza after the tour was over. Delicious. I am going to have to go back again whenever I just want a really nice meal that isn't too expensive. After work that night, I went to the Homecoming spectactular with a bunch of people. It was fantastic to see all the different acts. On Saturday was Homecoming everything else. There was the parade that we watched in the freezing cold and snow. So many beautiful cars drove by from all the different colleges that is was ridiculous. Plus we got buckets full of candy and a stress ball from everyone throwing stuff into the crowds. After that, we decided to make an extremely grandiose breakfast with omelets, homemade waffles, and bacon. Everything had a little something added extra by whoever made it to make it taste better and they all turned out delicious. I did the waffles, thanks to Mom sending up the recipe, but I did tweak it a bit to make it taste even better. After that Jared, Greg, and I started our homecoming date. We first went to DI to find old looking clothes from different decades because we bought tickets to the Blast from the Past dance. I took Allie Davis, Greg took Kelly Ann, and Jared took Courtney Dickson. Allie and I had so much fun messing around in DI looking for stuff and we pretty much decided right away to do 80's and 90's neon stuff that made us look like jazzercise instructors (or thats how she described it).

Then the other couples chose the 50's and the 60's to emulate. But I think Allie and I made the best choice because we were comfortable, styling, and easily stood out in the crowd. (I was the only one out of everyone there to be wearing highlighter yellow pants). For the dance we had to drive down to the Heber Creeper which is this really old historic train about a 45 minute drive away. Like typical college kids, we got pretty hopelessly lost about 5 minutes out from our goal and barely made it in order to board the train before it left. But we did make it. The dance was actually on one of the cars in the train and since the train was moving the whole time to begin with it was like you were dancing just trying to keep your balance in the huge crowded car. It was a lot of fun though, one of the best nights I have had since being up at college. We danced and danced and danced and sang our hearts out and played games. Needless to say, by the end of the dance we were all starving and dead tired. So we made a quick stop at Wendy's and then made the journey back to BYU and went to bed.


Aubrey Noble said...

You're studying musicals?! How awesome!! And quick question, why was Allie Davis up there? I'm so glad you got to go to a dance with her! Well, have another great week!

Kindra Hughes said...

dude your pants are awesome(nathan)