Sunday, November 9, 2008

November fun! (and not so fun...)

Good morning! Or so I wish it was. All the working and the playing and the studying has finally caught up with me I guess and now I am stuck in bed for who knows how long with what is fastly becoming a major sinus infection. The ones that start out slow in in your nose and throat and lungs and then blows into full head congestion where you can't hear, you vision is off, throat and nose are full of gunk, and there is just a pounding constant headache that never seems to go away. I tried the medicine my mom sent up with me like the aromatherapy shower dissolve things but it didn't really work out too well. I guess I just have to get used to it and see what happens. It seems to attack me twice a year for about a week each time, so Ill let you know next week if it finally blew over. Unfortunately that doesn't happen until I cough forever and day to compltely clear everything out so whenever that starts it will be a good sign that Im starting towards getting better. Anyway, sorry for that overly long prelude...just thats what is going on inside of me right now. Some epic battle that right now it feels very much like I am losing. But this week was full of fun adventures and good times before I got sick today. Lets see....Monday. We made waffles for FHE which is always a good thing. Everyone likes waffles, no one can say "no" to one that I know of. I made my mom's from scratch recipe and as usual they were a huge hit, not one complaint, only compliments. So Mom you rock, just to let you know. I also suggested we play the game where a bunch or random famous names are written down on a piece of tape and then everyone attaches one to their forehead without looking at it and then has to go around asking everyone questions in order to find out who they are. I was "roller coaster"...not exactly the easiest one in the book to get, thats for sure. Samuel was Victoria's Secret though which was just hilarious. It was definitely a very amusing game. After that came studying for psychology like I did all day whenever I could squeeze it in for my second midterm in the class. It paid off well the next day though when I got a 99% on the 100 question test. Definitely a good uplifting moment when you walk down the testing center steps and next to your number and test score is a "Congratulations!". Much better feeling than when I walk out of an economics test, that is for sure. Or even a Book of Mormon test, but both of those are curved so my grade went up by over a whole letter grade in each. Quite ridiculous, but amazing. Tuesday was also Sherrie Allen's birthday. Basically one of the best friends I have made up here. We decided to go on a random mall exploring trip for her bday because her parents had decided to let her use the credit card to buy the stuff she needs to survive the winter. The mall is simply amazing. First, we explored some of the random fun stores. Like an amazing music store or a crazy cool board game store. Everything was much too expensive to purchase (typical mall there) but definitely fun just to play around in. We went to the arcade next and messed around all of their amazing games. There was this roller coaster simulator that was just made for the two of us and our randomness. We managed to ride all 6 different simulations which was way fun, like some of the most reckless type of abandon fun that I have had since I got up here. Here is a picture:
We also tried out some Deal or No Deal!, a random jungle adventure game that Sherrie let us all die in, and Time Crisis which we owned at. We then hit up the food court where I had some of my first Chik-fil-a in ages. One of their chicken salad sandwiches was so what I needed and just tasted amazing. After that we hit up some of the typical mall stores to get some winter shopping done. The only place where I bought anything was Aeropostale, but they had their end of fall, beginning of winter sale going on so I got a $25 shirt for like $5. Good deal, good deal. It was awesome. Wednesday was extreme musical focus day. I had a mega concert for orchestra where we played 13 different pieces of music, all long and challenging in their own right. So I had class for two hours, then practiced on my own for two hours, then went to a dress rehearsal for two hours, and then was played in a concert for two hours (with no intermission). What a day. It was crazy tiring and difficult, but definitely fun and worth it. We played a lot of really good music too that has expanded my musical repetoire to where it probably needs to be. I still need to find a new solo to try out on for next semester though if I am going to try out. Or I might just drag out the Lalo again. Maybe. Thursday is always a good break from reality because I get to ditch the hectic rabble of college life for awhile and go visit family. Where they feed me and take care of me and let me do my laundry because they are awesome like that. I got back from there and went to go see Wall-e at the Varsity theater which was great fun. One of the funniest, most charming movies of the entire year if you ask me. Definitely going to join the ranks of masterpiece Disney film anyway for sure. After that Jared, Sherrie, Joe, and I went on a random expedition to the nearby park to talk about life, the universe, and everything. They have the most amazing spiderweb type of jungle gym we can all climb on and sit down in and just chat. Friday was good because I started my study insanity for all the tests I have coming up this next week. Well, I started long before that, but it pretty much completely took over my life for most of the weekend. I did economics and Shakespeare and theater reveiw after review after review. I just hope it pays off this week, as I study even more and then take the tests about midweek. Friday night was Christian and Katherine's surprise birthday parties. It was great fun to be involved in those as we played a bunch of huge random group games that are always highly entertaining and energetic. Friday night I also finally fleshed out my tenative schedule for next semester. I am taking Biology 100, Geology 101, Book of Mormon 122, World History to 1815 (History 201), and Social Recreation Leadership. I am most excited for the recreation class. According to the catalogue and all the stuff I researched on the web to find out, the class is just meant to teach you how to lead big groups of people and plan mega social events. So we learn how to lead games, be chariasmatic, be able to do anything we want in front of everyone, and learn how to plan the best parties. Sounds like the class what was made just for me. Im excited for all the rest of my classes too, and so far have picked out the best teachers possible for each one according to all the reviews posted on It finishes the majority of my GE classes that I need and gets me a little taste of some things I have never been involved in before such as geology. Saturday was study crazy again and thats basically all I did besides work and get too meet Amanda's Mom, who was pretty cool. My head is really starting to kill me, so Im signing off till next week.

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