Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week of Death and Misery

This week has been one of the more difficult weeks of my college career so far. It didn't help that I was sick for most of it. Still am congested a little bit. It was full of tests and trying to sleep and not getting enough work quite done so Ill have to make up for it this next week. Monday was terrible. I was sick through and through. I had to miss dance because I couldn't do much physical activity without having to throw up and we had a test in that class that day. Luckily, my teacher is nice and let me take the test on Wednesday. I made it to all of my other classes so that I could turn in a paper in mission prep that was due and get my take home midterm. And be able to take a humanities test on Shakespeare and theater. Then go to a review for my econ midterm over microeconomics. It was really a busy day and I was completely decked out in sick regalia for all of it. Had on sweat pants, a very large and warm sweater, comfortable shoes, and glasses instead of contacts. Tuesday I felt better which was a blessing, because I was pretty much stuck at school all day. I had all my classes to get through. Then going to 3 econ tests reviews in an attempt to try to get a much higher grade on this midterm than last one. Also, heading over to the Museum of Art to find a painting that I could write a 3 - 5 page analysis paper on. I was able to get all of that done, dressed in normal clothes for the day and still being able to make it through. Wednesday was the day of the dreaded econ 2nd midterm. I thought I had it made, I could do all the suggested problems in the book, and knew all the terms and how to draw all the graphs. But econ tests are just generally impossible, written so that no one can understand them. I ended up getting a 76% on it after spending a grueling 2 hours on it. And I felt really sick again that day. But I had to dress up in order to take my cha cha test for dance and then get through all of my classes. After that I came home and cleaned the fridge and other things for a cleaning check the next day. Thursday was an ok day. Just 3 classes and then off to take a nap while doing laundry. Not much productive happened but the nap did wonders for starting to feel better. Friday I finally felt most the way better and so starting writing my beast of a paper due in Book of Mormon this week. I already had it all outlined out before and now just have to crank through writing 10 pages for it. Saturday was my first truly fun day all week long when I went and competed in Danesport Championships for American social dance at the bronze level. We had to dance the cha cha for around 2 minutes and try to get noticed by the judges in order to get called back as more and more people got cut. My partner, Emily Tryon, and I made it through 3 rounds!! Not bad considering I missed practicing on Monday and we had never really formally practiced or tried to set up a routine to begin with. After that I made ice cream for Samuel's birthday (peppermint this time). Then off to work for 3 hours. I came back and Daniel Throckmorton had arrived to visit for a night so that he and Joe could swap computer stuff. He is a really fun kid from high school who now goes to the University of Arizona and is a crazy computer science genius. I had fun talking with him and catching up on how life is down in Tuscon. That pretty much covers this week, just working and being sick and then finally some fun thrown in at the very end to make up for it all. This week is my last insane week before finals when I have to crank through 2 papers and get them turned in. After that Im home free till December 15 - 19. The countdown is now one week and one day till I get to go home and I can't wait! Im so excited to see all my family :)

1 comment:

Aubrey Noble said...

Ryan, I'm sorry you've been sick and hope that you are getting better! :( But I love you :)! Have a great week!