Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Good Life....or should we say the Easy Life

Life this week was pretty much learning how to get back into the swing of things again because I had two midterms that I had to take one day after another. It was exciting and moved along fast enough so that it never felt like time was going by too slow or anything. Monday was home teaching day or so Stephen McNary and I decided. Girls are decidedly much different than guys. We ended up home teaching to them for over an hour and a half. I guess most of it was just chatter and talking away trying to get to know each other. But the lesson still took up a pretty decent chunk of time. It was about the first presidency message on missionary work and making sure to live our lives according to the gospel so that we can live the way we teach and set good examples for those who are not memebers of our faith. After that I came home and started studying for my biology test which was going to happen the very next day and decided once again that biology as a freshman in college was much easier than biology as a freshman in high school. Mr. Higbee made us work hard for that class in 9th grade, a lot harder than I ever truly realized until I came to college and saw how honestly slow biology could be taught. We spent a whole freaking month on the scientific method. That is ridiculous. Not only did I learn that back in 5th grade, it is also way too easy to not cover in just one day no matter how you teach it. Unless it is biology 100 at BYU I guess. Then you can take a whole month and bore every single student to tears. But I was more than prepared for the test. I scored a perfect on the multple choice and then am fairly confident I achieved about the same on the free response. Tuesday was take the test day and go to my one class and hit devotional day. The devotional was interesting and convincing. It had to do with an engineering professor who works in the weather explained global warming and how humans have managed to play quite a decent sized role in it. He said things would probably never get to the disasters of the Day After Tomorrow or anything, but that global warming was a real and driving force that was both natural and greatly expidtied by the ways that humans now live their lives. After the test was done I came back to my apartment and started to study for my geology midterm to take place the next day. For some reason, teachers always have to plan their tests to happen on relatively the same block of time leaving a lot of free open days and then crazy insane testing for two or three day straight. Don't ask me how that works or makes sense. My recreation class on Tuesday night turned out to be a blast as we planned our way through leading our set of relays we have to do next week and planning our two outside parties that are necessary to throw in order to get an A for the class. How much more awesome of a class could you get? You HAVE to throw parties in order to get a good grade. I just wish there were more classes like it, enough said. Sherrie, Aaron, and I went to Legends Grill right after that and got some good food that is a bit on the pricey side but adequate. The desserts are simply amazing though. Wathcing Back to the Future came next and I rediscovered that 80's movies got away with an awful lot of questionable material. There was a lot more swearing than I remembered there being. I love the movie, but for a PG it really blew me away. A study party for geology came next and it lasted for a couple hours until the girls had to leave for curfew. I spent a lot of time stressing over and studying for that test and took it the next day and found I had spent time kind of studying the wrong material but had studied enough of everything to still manage to get an A. But I now know better for next time, memorize how to read all the graphs and charts and understand exactly what they mean and how they apply. The format was very similar to the science section on the ACT test. Reading and interpreting graphs, tables, and pictures and then answering a few questions on each one. My hopes for that class have now greatly increased as long as I can continue to study and understand the basic underlying ideas behind everything. Its not too bad that I can only comprehend only half of what I read, I just have to understand the basic definitions and differences between everything and I will do fine. Wednesday was spent at class all day and then taking the geology test which I could not find out my score too right away. Very frustrating. We retake the test again in class on Friday with open book, open note, and open friend. And then she adds the two scores together for our final test grade. Its a brilliant idea and takes a lot of the worrying out of taking the test, but still I really want to know my score after the second I turn the test in like I get to for every other class. But I will get over it. Plus it just proves to me again that AP death at Mt View High School in Mesa, Arizona, was much harder than I ever gave it credit for. The AP classes that I took in high school more than overprepared me for college and I guess that is the reason I don't appear to study or work as hard as I should. It is easy. Which drives my roommates crazy. Greg can never seem to come to grips with the fact that I spend less time on school and schoolwork than him and rarely ever visit the library and yet still get a much higher GPA than him. I owe a great thanks to Snyder, Helsel, Ries, Canaday, Hansen, Temme, Wessel, Higbee, and even Bisanz and Bird and Martin from junior high for that. Plus a few others. People who weren't afraid to push and push hard to get us to achieve our best because they knew we could live up to it and do our best. And it worked, there were a huge number of fours and fives from them on every exam. Canaday even got me to get a four on the physics section. And then I hit college and realized that most school wasn't really that hard like I had been led to believe. Sure, there are days when life gets really difficult and everything seems to get crammed in together, but compared that happening on pretty much a daily basis in high school, college is a breeze. I have heard that once you are finally past all the GEs and in your major classes, then things actually get more difficult, but I will wait and see. So far there has been nothing that hard or aggravating really at all, except for the fact that it is just too easy. And teachers are afraid to push at all. Thursday I went and did my wash at Uncle Karsten's and Aunt Julie's and enjoyed some of the best food I have had since coming back up to Utah made by them. Plus I got all my history reading done and then watched an episode of Psych. I think I have finally managed to get addicted to a TV show like the rest of my friends back at home did long before me. Psych makes me happy when I watch it. Its clean, funny, and still involves the whole murder mystery thing of Law and Order, but parodies it to a very great effect. I ended up ording the whole first and second season online from Walmart and they are supposed to come in sometime next week. Im excited because I like it a lot. Plus I managed to get Aaron, Greg, Will, and Reagan all addicted to it with me. With Sherrie soon to follow suit. We watch the new episode online, projected every Saturday night, or at least all the guys do. After all the girls have already had to leave. Friday night was another smoothie/movie night this time with much better smoothies on my part and watching Enchanted. I have had to resort to finding extremely clean movies because of the people who want to come and watch them. That means all PG-13 are out and most PGs. So we shall see what other movies I can come up with for the rest of the semester. There is always Princess Bride and anything Disney I guess. And that is what I plan to stick to. After the movie, we played Cranium and then some rousing games of Mafia until 1:30 in the morning. Good times. I got up around 8 on Saturday to go play racquetball with Courtney. I have not played in a very long time and I had a blast finally getting to play again yesterday. We plan on playing at least once, if not twice a week for the rest of the semester mixing in other work out stuff throughout the week. Like basketball or running, etc. A geology lab came next followed by going to visit Sherrie's brother and playing a hilarious card game entitled Munschins. It is done as a spoof of Dungeons and Dragons and Magic, but is much simpler and funnier to play. It is awesome, beyond awesome. After that, I went to the Jon Schmidt concert which was truly fantastic. He is an amazing perfomer and so was the cellist Steven Nielson that performs with him. I wish I could play as good as Steven. He makes everything look so easy and fun and plays everything so beautifully. I sound terrible in comparison. Or like I just started playing instead of starting about 8-10 years ago. And Im fairly decent at the college level! But he is thousands of levels past that and I could only just sit there and watch and listen in amazement and pure pleasure as he bowed and plucked and everything else you could imagine in perfect pitch and tone. After that came watching the beginning or Prince Caspian and then Psych night. Now its Sunday morning and I am writing this. This week will be fairly eventful but minus all the tests of last week, which Im good with. So until next week, so long.

Thought of the week: From Pysch:

Shawn: “I plead the third.”

Gus: “The third amendment says that a soldier can’t be lodged in your house. You mean the fifth.”

Shawn: “I’ve heard it both ways.”

Song of the week: "Waterfall" or "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt. I wish I could play them on the piano because they sound amazing every time!

Picture of the week: This is Jon Schmidt with the ridiculously hilarious wig he wears for his song about Bumble Tuna. He = amazing. As always, the rest of my picture from the week can be spotted on Facebook under the Freshman Memories albums.

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