Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stress has come back

School finally got fun and crazy again. Two weeks to take five tests, so I have been studying like mad after the teachers finally put up a study guide, took them long enough and it doesn't leave much time to get them all filled out and study when you are doing five of them. Anyway, Monday was President's Day and a much needed break from school and classes. I slept in (a bad habit I am forming on holidays and weekends, although it's only till 9 or 10 at the latest so it is not too bad). When I finally got up, I was feeling really kind of sick and it showed when I talked and the fact that I couldn't really eat. So I watched the newest episode of Psych (they had finally posted it) with Will, Brad, and Karen. Then we proceeded to find a way to get to Tucano's, a Brazillian grill that serves amazing food and they just keep bringing it to you. They have a huge salad bar you can visit and get all the food you want there and then they proceed to bring all the slabs of meat to your table and slice you off a piece of it. There had to be around10 different meats they brought and some grilled pineapple. Im not going to lie, the pineapple was some of my favorite, but so was the garlic sorloin (only time I will admit to liking steak - all the other steak they brought I still didn't like) BBQ chicken, chicken wrapped in bacon, turkey, pork, and so on. I still was feeling a little sick but managed to eat enough to stop feeling hungry and was able to keep it down despite my stomach doing all sorts of odd flips and turns. Then we came home and watched The Return of the King, while I studied some more for my map test for history the next day. And I continued to study for the rest of the day until Kelly Ann and Whitney came over to try to make scones. Everywhere we tried to find a kitchen, someone was watching a movie though so we ended up at Courtney's place where somehow someone managed to start a grease fire. So after we cleaned that up we headed to back to Kelly Ann's place to finish them and play games. We ended up playing psychiatrist and "have you flirked...?" both really fun group games and there was quite a sizable group - Regan, Will, Kahi, Matthew, Whitney, Kelly Ann, Kelsey, and me. Fun times. Tuesday was Monday classes so that came back to haunt me and made that day much, much harder than it needed to be and the week feel so much longer. But I got through it and then headed over to the testing center to take my map quiz. I ended up missing two, which was really frustrating because I had studied hours for it, but at least I still got an A I guess. Tuesday night we had a ward activity where we went to a roller skating rink which I haven't done since I was in 6th grade or before. I started out ok (roller skating is MUCH more balanced than ice skating) but got progressively worse over the two hours as I got tired. I ended up getting some serious bruising on my hip, knees, elbows, and a few other places. Still have most of them right now. But I wasn't the only one who wasn't amazing at it - Regan and Courtney both joined me in falling over a lot and so I wasn't the only one who kept getting laughed at. After we got home, I made some smoothies and Regan brought over Killer Bunnies and we proceeded to play and I lost really bad because I never managed to get a bunny or keep one alive long enough to mean anything. Wednesday was hard because it was an exact repeat of what Tuesday had been in classes and I had them all day with no breaks. But I manged to survive somehow and was more than ready for the weekly temple trip that evening. We went up to the temple in our larger group again and proceeded to do the quickest baptisms and confirmations I have ever done. We were in and out so fast. And the coolest part was that they recognized my hair cut I had gotten the day before and said I looked awesome in it. Ok, so that was not the coolest part, the coolest part is the spirit of the place, but still the fact that people noticed I finally got a hair cut made me feel better about it because I had just let my roommate Brad cut it for free. And it turned out looking alright, not perfect, but alright. After that it was time to go home and study and then start serving the crockpot BBQ chicken I had made that morning. It was so good - I used chicken breasts, Dave's BBQ sauce (from the infamous restaurant that Dad enjoys so much), some freshly squeezed orange juice, honey, and a can of caffine free coke. They tasted amazing and made the whole day seem worth it. Good food always does somehow. After that we watched three episodes of Psych and hit the halfway point of the first season. We just have to get through the rest of it and the next season before the end of the semester which I hope we will do. The show is so funny! Thursday was finally back to an easy day for me and I went and did laundry and took somewhat of a nap on their couch until Bryn's friends came over and then I gave up. I still mangaed to fill out my geology study guide fro my midterm this Wednesday and go through all my history notes for my midterm tomorrow. So needless to say, got a lot of work done and got some really good food in the process - we had raviolis for dinner, which is something I haven't had in a very, very long time. I came back in time to clean like crazy for my cleaning check that night and was able to pass off all my jobs with flying colors. Then it was back to studying. Friday was a good day as well because I only have to make it through three classes plus I play racquetball at 7 in the morning. I have managed to teach Rachelle, Kelly Ann, Courtney, and Will how to play racquetball since the beginning of the semester and got them hooked on it like I am so we play every Friday morning. Friday I had work and that ended up being much crazier than usual but I got through it and got food afterwards. MTC dinner = always amazing because its free and we get all we can eat. After that I came home and then went to a game night at Courtney's place and played some fun games of UNO and Jenga and Phase 10. Saturday I got up late (again) and then started studying like mad for my history midterm that is tomorrow. I managed to fill out all the reading questions from the whole semester and went over all the dates and concepts and themes of the course. But she doesn't give us much of a clue to study so I just tried my hardest to touch bases with everything we have gone over so far in the course. The test is supposed to be 40 multiple choice questions and two essays. Kind of sounds like the AP test format I took all throughout high school so I hope I can do ok. Im studying some more again today and will do some more tomorrow morning and right after classes before I head over to the testing center to take it. I am just hoping and praying to do my best, which is hopefully an A or close to it. I also played four square on Saturday with Perry, Ryan Chapman, Matthew, Tanner, Will, Aaron (my roommate), another Aaron and a girl named Mary Celeste. It was fun because I have never truly played the game before and we made up all sorts of wacky, weird rules to make it more interesting and keep getting people out and move the game along faster. After that and studying all day I headed to work again because I was working for Alyssa. That was not so bad because I managed to get a job that I enjoy better and we got free dinner again after it was over! Two days in a row is awesome plus we also got free cheesecake that night! Yum! After that Whitney came and picked me up to take me to Kelly Ann's where they were making dinner (which I had to decline eating because I had just stuffed myself at the MTC) and then we went and played night games at the park. We played a really fun game called ninja tag which is like lava monster except the monster is blindfolded. Then we played duck, duck, goose and then finished off the night with some mafia in my lobby. After which Will, Aaron, Brad, and I watched Transformers because Will had never seen it before and the sequel comes out this summer. That takes up to today where I am getting really anxious about all my midterms and not at all sure what is going to happen there. I have studied a lot, but Im not sure if it is the right thing - especially in history's case. But I am praying for help and we will just have to see how it all goes. If I can survive to going to the temple Wednesday night, I will survive it all. That is what I am shooting for and after that the week will become a million times more relaxing. Also, I hope my headaches stop, but so far no luck there. Not yet. Another also, if you read feel free to comment please!

Thought of the week: "There comes a point where you just love someone. Not because they're good, or bad, or anything really. You just love them. It doesn't mean you'll be together forever. It doesn't mean you won't hurt each other. It just means you love them. Sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. And you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it."
Laurell K. Hamilton 'Anita Blake: Incubus Dreams'

Song of the week: "Light On" by David Cook and "Hanging by a Moment" by Lifehouse

Picture of the week: I have once again failed...but I am going to remember my camera this week, promise.

1 comment:

Kindra Hughes said...

Ryan Mom and I read your blog. Glad to hear still attending the temple to serve the Lord and feel the peace from His house. We are praying that your headaches get better and you do well on your mid-terms. We have had some sickness this week, but appreciate the Lord's healing powers through the Priesthood. We love you. Mom and Dad