Sunday, January 29, 2012

I don't think you ever just quite "get the hang of it"

Good Sabbath! So this week has been fantastic as always. Life is a continuous forward motion and each day continues to build more and more momentum. It all seems to be rushing towards something, but I don't know quite what. I guess the obvious answer would be eventual death, but that sounds rather morbid wouldn't you agree. And hopefully a long time off at that. Each week (each day basically) is full of interesting and often entertaining developments. I don't think I really see that many dull moments.

One interesting development that has occurred is how often I hear the word "dating" everyday. The more I don't want to date or get involved in that direction, the more and more and more I seem to hear about it. From the bishop to all my friends and from my family to answers to prayer - literally everything is pushing in that direction. The problem is that I am the fun date guy. I like to have fun and don't like to get serious very fast at all. I don't just "automatically" like girls like every other guy seems to. I mean I can tell if a girl is "cute" or not, but it has no effect on whether or not I am attracted to her. I have to get to know a girl really well, to be best friends with her and then I start to like her. This process usually takes about a month. I hang out with her a ton and then the attracting and the "like" factor builds, but it never exists from the first moment and doesn't come out on dates until I already know her extremely well to begin with. I don't know quite how I am going to figure out dating now. I guess I do need to start going on date, Heavenly Father has been sending enough hints that I picked up on it. They might turn out to be more fun dates though then serious commital dates. Hopefully, that doesn't make girls too angry at least until I get my viewpoints to change on the whole dating shenanigans scenario.

In other news, Divine Comedy rocks! Completely. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a very, very long time. There was way too many good skits to just pick one good one. But I will always remember the jean wraiths, Sherlock Holmes assessing possible dates, Severus and mother (who knew it is so entertaining to sound like Alan Rickman?), She-kitty-o'neal, one word dating/proposals,and the relationship based all on insults. Also, the clear play guy on the Twilight skit was genius. Sooooo good. Also, gospel doctrine today kind of felt like Divine Comedy, it was hilarious. I don't know if it was quite appropriate, but it was entertaining. And for what it was worth, I did feel the Spirit. In between bouts of laughter. Watching the Rocketeer on Saturday was fun as well. Thanks goes to Jane for that one, I was just going to sit at home studying all night but she texted me saying she was bored so I threw something together. A lot more people actually showed up then I had been planning on. It was fun, and the projector screen makes movies look really good!!! Much better than on the wall or sheet like has been done before. Also, much better than the Relief Society room one we had found in freshman year. It even has its own stand! How cool is that!?! Potluck dinner on Tuesday was a blast as well. Lots and lots of pasta plus "he said, she said" and animal signs. I will have it known that when we ended the elephant signs game, I was in the top position! :) That was all the fun stuff this week. Oh, plus eating breakfast yesterday with Emily's and Stephanie's apartment. That was a blast and very entertaining! Sometime soon, going to have to have a Phantom of the Opera sing along.

This week has also been full of inspirational moments. I think I might add an inspirational movie from YouTube each week to my posts. They at least help me to get through the week, I don't know if they would help anyone else. I watched The Butterfly Circus this week as well as Validation. So awesome! Both make you smile and think how great life really is. The true meaning and purpose of it. So here is the inspirational movie of the week. Or movies for this week. I'll post both of those aforementioned. They will be below this post.

Another pressing issue this week: housing and future potential roommates. There are so many choices and options. I know that I want to room with Will and so far that means staying in the Colony. But all that is subject to change if I get a prompting to go any different direction. I keep praying about it and will take it to the temple this week. I know I probably won't be rooming with Samuel, Spyglass Court is not overly appealing to me. And he already signed the contract to stay there. Kevin Forrest is coming up in the fall though and he is a viable candidate. As well as Aaron or Jared or David or there are some others. Whoever is up for living in the Colony I guess and wouldn't mind rooming with me. It is kind of depressing though to figure out the costs of all next year paying for rent, food, school costs, etc. So much money and not getting any of it back...well I guess getting a real career and then working will pay it back, but I am still not a fan. I have to get used to it. But I guess everything is set up to make next semester the best semester ever - pick the roommates, pick the location, pick the price range (depending on bedrooms and amount of people in apartment). I will keep praying and working on it. God has a plan and I trust Him.

Another thing that I am so excited about, I have a valid temple recommend now!!! I can go to the temple all that I want. I have set a goal of once a week and am going to do my best to stick to it! I absolutely love the temple and everything about it!!!

Anyway, that is what I have time to report on this week. New and upcoming things to look forward to next week: housing updates, temple trips, getting a job, service needed somewhere, and potentially start going on dates. Who knows?!?

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