Sunday, October 5, 2008

Holy crud!!! This week I think I barely blinked twice and it was already over. It flew by me. So much stuff happening, and yet so much stuff left to do. Monday was just work and school like usual. Tuesday I took my first test at the testing center. Its quite the most fascinating spot (not). Waited in line for probably longer that I actually took the test. It was for Psychology and I nailed it! :) Got a 93%, so I must be studying enough I guess (plus the Lord blesses me wayyyy too much on tests to remember everything). Gave me hope that maybe I am doing this college thing right, haha. I spent that night messing around playing sardines in the HFAC, that was a world of fun. You could explore for hours in there and still never see everything and check out every room, nook, or cray Wednesday was my first orchestra concert. The stage is just incredible, there is no way to accurately describe how amazing the acoustics are and the sound quality it produces. We got a standing ovation so we must have done pretty good, even though we were only the second of four groups to go. Thursday was hard core write a 5 page paper day over The Kite Runner for humanities. I finally got back into my writing groove and wrote the way I used to write. That was a very good thing, very good. Friday started my no sleep, all action packed weekend. I played volleyball with M'Lisa (I still am not very good yet...oh well). Then one of my best friends from Mesa, Sterling Tracy, came down from BYU-I to stay the weekend with me. We played with Mesa people, namely: Chelsea, Maureen, Becky, Melodie, Perry until 2ish in the morning and then played card games and talked it up until around 4 in the morning. Grandpa came and kidnapped me around 9:30 the next day (to my credit, I was already up, showered, dressed, and ready for a busy day). IHOP followed and watching the first session of General Conference at Aunt Kayla and Uncle Eric's house. Then came a Target trip where I finally spend my grad gift card (thanks so much Kyle and Jill :) I got a volleyball (so I don't have to check out the flat, dead ones anymore), the game Imaginiff, and Iron Man. Im planning on having some fun this week with all of them, tons of fun. Then we headed off for the priesthood session to watch in the Conference Center. It is such a clossal buidling, it takes my breath away every time I go inside! I think it was the best session to go see live too, they had some of the best stories and lessons to teach in the talks, or at least thats the way it seemed to me. Then to Olive Garden (still some of the best food of my life...but way too much. I couldn't even finish half of the main course, filled up on breadsticks, salad, and appetizers. but yay! for leftovers this week!) After that I came back to BYU and met up with all the Mesa people again. We had fun just talking and catching up on reports from everyone from Mesa or here or Idaho. Everyone seems to be doing fairly well. Today was watch the first session with Mesa people then have lunch with the Walker clan. They really know how to make good food. Best pumpkin delisciousness of my life, no exaggeration. So, thats only scratching the surface of everything I did this week, if I went into actual detail I might be just writing for the next week, which although tempting just isn't going to happen. But I will add that I got to meet Uncle Perrin, Aunt Charlotte, and Mike and his wife. They are fun people and it was great to have a night out with them! Signing off till next week!

1 comment:

Aubrey Noble said...

Sounds like you had a good week! Wish I could've been one of the Mesa people to visit you!!! Miss ya and love ya! :)