Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Routine Sets In...

Good afternoon! So my life is decidedly less exciting than freshman year or during my mission when I was writing. For one thing, I am perpetually injured and that severely limits the activities that I can do. Cuts out all the crazy adventures that my freshman year was so well known for. I guess you could say I am growing up. Which is both good and bad. Everyone has to grow up at some point and it might as well be now for me. I can still have fun, just not to the reckless abandon that I was capable of before. I don't even have nearly that much energy like I did, I don't know how I had all that energy back then to begin with. Oh well, I need to quite rambling and write something of substance. I guess I don't know how to take this things anymore. I don't think anyone reads it so it might become more of a journal than a blog. We shall see.

Anyway, this week was still awesome! Lots of fun, lots of studying and hard work. I have so far managed to do really well on all tests and quizzes based on prayer and feverish constant study. I hope I can keep up the pace (although with another anatomy quiz tomorrow who knows?) The first anatomy lecture quiz was great! It only took me about 10 minutes to finish it and I got a 100%, it was so good to know the mission did not ruin my test taking skills. The first lab quiz I got a 95% which isn't bad but wasn't great either (stupid thoracic vertebrae question using two different models!!!). I haven't had any other tests yet, just some papers or in class quizzes, but nothing too bad. My first bio midterm is this week and should be all on chemistry, so no good. I can't remember anything Mellyn taught me and my PD bio teacher is obviously not a chemist and doesn't know how to teach that. Only biology, so I am struggling to remember from sophomore year of high school. Other than that, school hasn't been too much of a struggle yet, just getting back into the groove as much as I can.

As for fun things, there is always a plethora at BYU. This week I went with a bunch of people to the War on Winter at the Wilk. There was dancing, kareoke, laser tag, and other things. Then we all came back to my apartment and watched the Princess Bride on the projector and the new screen. It was very nice!!! Then Saturday I went on an adventure with Lora and Courtaney. We went movie hunting, Zupa's, watched a movie and talked. I have to admit I rather enjoyed the movie. It was Emma, based on the book by Jane Austen. Who knew after avoiding the movies and books all this time that I would actually enjoy it? But I thought it was hilarious. Some of the hardest I have laughed ever. Best comedy ever and it feels so much like actual real life instead of modern romantic comedies.

I also went to the temple this week!!! Best use of time ever. The temple is so peaceful and comforting and revelation flows so freely there. I now know that I need to go at least once a week, if not twice a week if I could just find the time. Church was really fun this week and I have found some good friends in the ward to always sit by or do something with. Life is going to be great.

The only downfall has been the knee. I don't know what to do with it. It doesn't know what to do with me either. I can't sleep, can't bend, can't walk without a limp. I can't sit easy, can't get back up easy. Stairs are a nightmare. Ice is retarded. I did find out that crutches are a great work out. Also, walking on crutches brings out the best in people. I have never had so many doors opened for me or people go out of there way to help me with everything. Restores my faith in humanity everyday and what they are capable of.

Life all around is awesome and it continues to move on. Much too fast for my taste, but I doubt it will ever slow back down. Ever. So I will get used to it and adjust the best that I can. And maybe I will even someday no longer be a cripple!!!

1 comment:

Lora said...

Courtenay would appreciate her name being spelled correctly. Much love. Congrats on rocking the anatomy stuff - go for it. I want you to be far more successful than me.